I have had a few people asking for this .. So I’m just going to share you my script that I always use to convert a Single Tenancy Demo Environment to a Multi Tenancy Demo Environment, with some (Empty) companies per Tenant and such.. . And I’m going to make it easy on me .. …
January 2014 archive
Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2014/01/20/how-to-create-a-nav-2013-r2-multi-tenancy-demo-environment/
New PartnerSource – Let’s start all over :(
*** UPDATE *** Please read the comments below. Microsoft is working on a solution for this! *** END UPDATE *** This weekend, Microsoft apparently decided to migrate PartnerSource to a completely new platform – I was told: based on Sharepoint this time.. . And I hear you thinking: FINALLY. I definitely agree: something needed to …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2014/01/16/new-partnersource-lets-start-all-over/
NAV 2013 R2: Migrating from Multi-Tenancy back to Single-Tenancy
A lot has been written about how to migrate from Single Tenancy to Multi-Tenancy. Video’s have been created, blogs have been written, Sessions have been given.. . The question that I always get – is “what about the other way around?”. So, how do I migrate back to a Single Tenant Environment? I’ve spend some …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2014/01/13/nav-2013-r2-migrating-from-multi-tenancy-back-to-single-tenancy/
SEPA Direct Debit Updates (FR, BE, IT and ES) are now available for “all” versions of NAV!
Until the end of December last year, SEPA Direct Debit was only available for NAV 2013 R2. Now, as you know, this version is quite new .. and it was somewhat more “urgent” to receive the objects for earlier versions – more common to existing customers ;-). Well .. since December 30th, these objects are …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2014/01/07/sepa-direct-debit-updates-fr-be-it-and-es-are-now-available-for-all-versions-of-nav/
The Hooks Pattern
You remember NAVTechDays, right? The place where a lot begins, and a lot happens. 🙂 Well, I explained in my wrap-up of NAVTechDays2013 that there was (some) attention on something called “The Hooks Pattern”. Because of that – I dedicated a topic, specifically on the Hooks-pattern (which was also handled during our Pre-Conference Day workshop …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2014/01/06/the-hooks-pattern/
OneNote just saved my day
I’m a heavy OneNote user. About everything I do, is in OneNote. I’m a fan from the first minute. And even more today! Because, OneNote just saved my day :-). What happened? I had been working on an improved Backup/Restore script for a number of weeks – just in my free time, whenever I was …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2014/01/03/onenote-just-saved-my-day/