315 results for CS

Interesting Links for Dynamics NAV

Together with the platform updates, I have been sending a list of interesting links in PartnerSource and other sites. By splitting up the platform updates .. I decided to maintain this list separately as well. Below you can find a list of links which I use to “navigate” to Interesting and sometimes less-interesting-but-yet-quite-important-for-the-business sites on …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/03/21/interesting-links-for-dynamics-nav/

Dynamics NAV

Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/dynamics-nav/

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Compatibility with Microsoft Windows 8 and Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Support engineer “Zeeshan” pointed my attention to this Team Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nav/archive/2013/01/28/microsoft-dynamics-nav-2013-compatiblity-with-microsoft-windows-8-and-microsoft-windows-server-2013.aspx. I just decided to “copy” the blog to give it somewhat more attention ;-). Note that Microsoft has finished the procedure to be able to say that both Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 are compatible with Microsoft Windows Server …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/01/28/microsoft-dynamics-nav-2013-compatibility-with-microsoft-windows-8-and-microsoft-windows-server-2012/

Cleaning up Media Orphans with the Data Administration tool in Business Central

Did you ever wonder how to delete Media Orphans in Business Central? Even more – did you know that Media Orphans are a real thing – and can consume a great deal of your database capacity?  It is a thing – and you should be aware! Well – here’s a story that made me dive …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2024/07/12/cleaning-up-media-orphans-with-the-data-administration-tool-in-business-central/

Days of Knowledge & BCTechDays coming up soon!

I recently realized I forgot to share the amazing conferences happening right now: the “Days of Knowledge” series and BC TechDays. 🤩 I’m a bit ashamed because it’s always such an honor to be part of these events, and the least I can do is help spread the word. But hey, it’s not too late …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2024/05/22/days-of-knowledge-bctechdays-coming-up-soon/

“Generic Charts”.  Forgotten, but not gone …

Do you remember “Generic Charts”?  No?  Don’t worry – I didn’t either. 🤪 Back in the days … For years, we didn’t really pay attention to this feature, but “back in the days”, it was actually quite a nifty thing, where you could easily create a chart based on data of business central, save it …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2024/04/30/generic-charts-forgotten-but-not-gone/

Rec.LockTable – Good Practice?  Or Bad Practice?

Sometimes, “best practices” turn into “bad practices”.  And recently, with one of the best new features of Business Central that just fell in our laps (most users probably won’t realize), one good practice became not just unnecessary .. but even a bad practice. When I asked CentralQ.  I got a lot of truth, but also …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2024/03/28/rec-locktable-good-practice-or-bad-practice/

Speed up your automated tests without really doing anything..

Here’s a Christmas present from me for you: a short, but may be fore some people a very liberating post on how to speed up your tests in your pipeline, without doing anything “real” ;-). The problem We have made “tests” mandatory in our company.  What that means: every single pullrequest is being code reviewed, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2023/12/28/speed-up-your-automated-tests-without-really-doing-anything/

A BC Telemetry story … Monitor your Telemetry Usages!

I recently had a very scary thing happening on our Telemetry setup, that I would have never expected, and was glad I was able to catch it in time. TL;DR Any extra action on your Business Central environment can cause an explosion of telemetry signals, which possibly turns into an insane Azure bill.  Therefore, it’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2023/11/27/a-bc-telemetry-story-monitor-your-telemetry-usages/

Business Central vNext (v23) – The “new data model”

This is just going to be a brief post, because there have been other blogs about this topic – I just wanted to add a small piece on top of it ;-). Our two Italian friends Stefano and Duilio already wrote some blogs about the upcoming performance improvements regarding the new feature in Business Central, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2023/09/22/business-central-vnext-v23-the-new-data-model/