315 results for CS

Analyzing Deadlocks in Business Central with Telemetry

Not too long ago, I was (and still am) challenged with analyzing deadlocks at a specific customer.  And in all honesty – that was not easy, because, you know, deadlocks is something on SQL – and it’s not like we have a lot of access to SQL tools. What are deadlocks? I’m not going to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2023/08/31/analyzing-deadlocks-in-business-central-with-telemetry/

Analyze (the lack of) Partial Records with Business Central Telemetry

I’ve been working with Business Central Telemetry a lot the last coulple of months, having to deal with deadlocks and such. And while doing so, quite some new ideas came to mind that I’d like to investigate by means of Telemetry. But first, a disclaimer I’m absolutly not an expert. Probably there are better ways …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2023/05/15/analyze-the-lack-of-partial-records-with-business-central-telemetry/

A Business Central “Upgrade Code” saga…

Not too long ago, we had an upgrade issue at a customer: the upgrade timed out, and after investigation, it was simply because our upgrade code: it took too long to modify 130000 records (well – and quite some validations, I admit, but still – it’s not that much, is it?). This made me hold …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2022/12/21/a-business-central-upgrade-code-saga/

The Business Central “Data Search” app (under the hood)

One of the things that totally slipped by me, is the new app from Microsoft that apparently was released in the last wave called “Data Search“. It’s a simple, but powerful concept: Search for “any” record in your data. Well, any record that you have set up to search for at least ;-). It is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2022/11/18/the-business-central-data-search-app-under-the-hood/

Setting the Sampling Interval for (in-client) performance profiling Business Central

Here’s a small blogpost about an undocumented, but not uninteresting “feature” (at least not in my book ;-)). Performance Profiling You’re probably very much aware of the Performance Profiler in Business Central: an ability to monitor code execution in terms of “durations” and “hit count”, and having a view on how the code/process performed.As a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2022/09/30/setting-the-sampling-interval-for-in-client-performance-profiling-business-central/

My BCTechDays 2022

This does not need any introduction or will not come as a surprise – BCTechDays is just around the corner.  At the time writing this blogpost, it’s only a mere 20 days away – and quite honestly, I’m starting to crap my pants 🤪.  Why?  Excitement, fear, nerves  – you pick ;-).  Why?  Well, because …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2022/08/26/my-bctechdays-2022/

Boolean buttons messed up in Chrome and Edge – what now?

There has been a lot going on about this the past couple of days – especially on Yammer and social media. This post is merely to help spreading the information. TL;DR As a picture says more than a 1000 words – let me steal a picture from Natalie Karolak (follow her, if you don’t already …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2022/06/29/boolean-buttons-messed-up-in-chrome-and-edge-what-now/

BCTechDays 2022

After too long (last edition was in 2019), we finally can look forward to a new edition of THE best technical conference for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: BCTechDays (formally known as NAVTechDays). If you run through my blog (or simply search for “NAVTechDays“), you probably notice that I’ve always been ecstatic about this conference. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2022/05/30/bctechdays-2022/

Offerings are not “offerings”, and library apps are not “library apps”

I did a “little” boo-boo: I totally misunderstood something from the overly documented AppSource world, which has quite an impact for us to go forward. I’d like to apologize beforehand for the rant I’m about to embark – I just wanted to make sure this only happens to us and not you ;-). What happened? …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2022/04/29/offerings-are-not-offerings-and-library-apps-are-no-library-apps/

15 years waldo’s blog

Hi y’all. Get ready for the most useless post you’ll read all day. Not to me, though. I’d like to share a proud moment with you awesome people. Today, I’m blogging for 15 years ! I remember back in the day when I got my MVP Award, I was so proud that I actually wanted …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2022/04/05/15-years-waldos-blog/