315 results for CS

Business Central Default APIs are not localized – or are they?

Good news. You’re probably all familiar with the great work Microsoft is doing on providing us a huge set of useful out-of-the-box API’s. No? Well, you can find all the information right here: API(V2.0) for Dynamics 365 Business Central – Business Central | Microsoft Docs For Belgium, these have been useless in many situations though. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2021/07/02/business-central-default-apis-are-not-localized-or-are-they/

Documenting your Business Central (custom) APIs with OpenAPI / Swagger

For reasons that are not too important, I am trying to find a way to “describe my custom APIs”. You know. You’re at a project, you had to implement an integration with a 3rd party application, and you develop some custom APIs for it. When done, you have to communicate this to the 3rd party …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2021/06/09/documenting-your-business-central-custom-apis-with-openapi-swagger/

A somewhat easier way to generate a DGML Dependency Graph of your Business Central extensions

You might have read my post “Visualize app.json dependencies in VSCode (using GraphViz)” where I explained “another” way to generate a dependency graph. Another than what? Well – other than the DGML that was just announced on Microsoft’s Launch Event of Business Central 2020 Wave 2 as being “on the drawing board”. Well – today …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2021/05/11/a-somewhat-easier-way-to-generate-a-dgml-dependency-graph-of-your-business-central-extensions/

Stabilize your Job Queue – a few tricks

For a few people, this will be a very “current problem”, for other, that have suffered through years of “unstable” NAS and Job Queue for that matter .. this upcoming blogpost might be interesting. The primary reason for this post is an issue that – after quite some debugging – seemed to be an issue …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2021/05/06/stabilize-your-job-queue-a-few-tricks/

Design Considerations for Upgrade Codeunits

Recently, in our product, we enabled support for the new “Item References” in Business Central. Basically meaning: when upgrading to the new version of our product, we wanted to: Make sure our code supported the new “Item Reference” table in stead of the old “Item Cross Reference” table Automatically enable the “Item Reference” feature” (necessary, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2021/04/21/design-considerations-for-upgrade-codeunits/

Business Central Development Life Hacks

I haven’t exactly blogged much lately, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been active for or in the community. You might have seen my previous blogpost for example, where I explored the wonders of streaming (which is for a near future to pick up, by the way ;-)), I also have contributed a few sessions …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2021/04/02/business-central-development-life-hacks/

So .. I did a stream ..

Not too long ago, I asked about opinions on whether I should just keep blogging, or if I should also jump on the streaming-wagon like many already did .. and start streaming content about business central. In fact, that poll is still on my website, and today, it says this result: So, a vast majority …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2021/03/21/so-i-did-a-stream/

Setting up docker containers with apps from AppSource

For a long time, we have been looking for a solution to be able to set up a docker environment, and then download the necessary apps from AppSource. Why? For different reasons. Like, to set up a development environment. I know we can do that in an online sandbox, but .. we’re already doing this …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2021/03/03/setting-up-docker-containers-with-apps-from-appsource/

DevOps for AL Development – 1on1 hands-on workshop

This one-on-one workshop has one goal: setting up a working environment on YOUR Azure DevOps environment. Personally I can’t picture a life without DevOps anymore, especially when you need to develop (in team) on a multitude of apps, that will be upgrade automatically in the SaaS environment, or that need to be tested against a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/trainings/devops-for-al-development-1on1-workshop/

Which API’s are available in my Business Central environment?

Here’s a short post with a small tip about something a lot of you probably already know. How’s that for an intro 🤪. If you remember these posts: Getting not-out-of-the-box information with the out-of-the-box web client Check Customer License in an OnPrem db – from the web client Then you know there’s quite a lot …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2021/02/19/which-apis-are-available-in-my-business-central-environment/