315 results for CS

App Dependency Tree – import your apps in the right order (with PowerShell)

Recently, I got the question on how to get a dependency tree from a bunch of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central apps. In other words – how do I know in which order I have to import my apps to respect the dependencies. Well, I didn’t have a ready-made script available. I only had a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2019/08/28/app-dependency-tree-import-your-apps-in-the-right-order-with-powershell/

AL BaseApp Customization: “because you can doesn’t mean you should”

Sometimes I get the remark that I’m not sceptical enough, but mostly too positive towards whatever Microsoft does … well – I have been very happy with the product, the progress, the evolution and the revolution. For all of you with that opinion about me – let me make you happy.  You might have figured …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2019/08/06/al-baseapp-customization-because-you-can-doesnt-mean-you-should/

AL Extension Pack for VSCode

I totally forgot to blog about this – so let me quickly catch up with this one.. :-). Some time ago, after explaining my most used VSCode Extensions for AL Development for (about) the 829th time – I decided to make my life a bit easier. I already came across the concept of creating a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2019/07/02/al-extension-pack-for-vscode/

Directions US 2019 – I appear to have work to do …

I’m returning back from yet another great Directions US event in Las Vegas this time. At this point – I’m sitting in the lounge in New York – a great opportunity to do a short post about something I didn’t really expect, and now I’m quite obligated to do.. . I total, I did about …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2019/05/10/directions-us-2019-i-appear-to-have-work-to-do/

“In the future, on-premises will follow the cloud rules”

My intentional plan was to share a small blog about the Fall release of Business Central. Well – it turned out I had more to say than I imagined beforehand ;-). I would like to focus on one point, where I’m not going to make myself really popular, as I notice quite a lot that …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2019/04/04/in-the-future-on-premises-will-follow-the-cloud-rules/

CRS AL Language Extension – version 1.1.0

My last blog about my VSCode extension dates from July 2018. I have been upgrading/maintaining it meanwhile, and I am definitely not going to blog about all new small features and fixes (yes, quite necessary as well ;-)) every single time, but for this one, I really felt that an update wouldn’t hurt. What is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2019/03/27/crs-al-language-extension-version-1-1-0/

Business Central as an app: getting to the al source code

This blog is actually not valid anymore.  There is an official way to easily get to the al source code.  You can find more info here. You must have heard the latest news: Microosft released the first devpreview (on docker) where Business Central is an app, and there is close to no C/AL anymore. Either …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2019/03/01/business-central-as-an-app-getting-to-the-al-source-code/

Developing Business Central Extensions/Apps in Team – Follow Up

A while ago (in fact: in July last year), I posted a blog post about the challenges when “working in Team on apps“. Since then, I have been asked to work on a follow-up post on how we are tackling these challenges in our company today – and if all the assumptions I made also …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2019/02/28/developing-business-central-extensions-apps-in-team-follow-up/

C/AL Source Code Analysis with PowerShell

Last Directions US and EMEA, I had the opportunity to talk about – uhm – myself. Well, not really – about my tools. It was a weird experience – but it got more attention than I ever expected. Now, during that session, I showed a tool that I wanted to put out there for sooooo …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2019/02/15/c-al-source-code-analysis-with-powershell/

List all Business Central Docker Image Tags on Microsoft Container Services

A while ago, I blogged about how you can get to all the tags on Docker Hub, for all images of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This was more useful than I ever imagined, as many people referred to it, or I had to refer to it for others. In any case, for us “simple” NAV “dinosaurs”, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2019/01/18/list-all-business-central-docker-image-tags-on-microsoft-container-services/