315 results for CS

NAVTechDays 2017: Final thoughts

As every year, I look very much forward to one particular conference: NAVTechDays. Not because I don’t like the other ones. But NAVTechDays is special. It’s one person that controls it – completely driven by the community, which makes it quite independent from Microsoft. An insane amount of people make the trip to Belgium, my …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/12/18/navtechdays-2017-final-thoughts/

I have feedback – what do I do?

There was a good topic the other day on twitter: “How and where do I report feedback about NAV”? No Twitter I shouldn’t be explaining this, but I will, because there was some confusion.. : Do what you want with Twitter or any Social Medium for that matter – but don’t expect Microsoft to pick …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/12/15/i-have-feedback-what-do-i-do/

Docker@waldo – My Local Demo Environment

Well – I guess there is no way around – Docker is the way forward, and you’d better get on the train! Getting started Well, I am not going to tell you what Docker is. I am BY FAR not an infrastructural guy – so I wouldn’t feel comfortable. No, there are already quite some …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/11/03/dockerwaldo-my-local-demo-environment/

Directions 2017- Key Note 2 – New Client Rendering & Release date information

I’m going to be short on this one – basically because I have missed quite some from the second keynote. Two things I would like to quickly share. Release date information Look at this slide: So, I take from this there is NO release this end-of-year, only a preview we can play and prepare with. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/09/18/directions-2017-key-note-2-new-client-rendering-release-date-information/

Directions US – PowerShell Combat

I’m on my way to Orlando as I write this post. For quite some time, Irma – and apparently a local storm today in Belgium – made it very unsure if there was going to be a “Directions US” this year for me. I’m very much looking forward meeting all the nice people again over …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/09/15/directions-us-powershell-combat/

Add a logo to a C/AL Extension (ExtV1)

Just to set the right expectations – this blog is intended for Extensions Version 1. In other words, extensions that are: developed completely in the well known classic C/SIDE development environment (C/AL). created, installed and published with PowerShell NOT created in VSCode The “old” (in these times still “current”) stuff sort of speak ;-). Why …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/08/31/add-a-logo-to-a-cal-extension-extv1/

10 years waldo’s blog

I didn’t realize something .. but since April this year, I have been blogging for a full 10 years. Not THE most important topic ever created – definitly not when Microsoft announces big new things like Microsoft 365 and such – but hey, it’s holiday-season ;-). I still remember why I started blogging: I just …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/07/14/10-years-waldos-blog/

Create an offline Development Preview – enable the in-client visual designer

You might remember this post: http://www.waldo.be/2017/02/20/make-the-new-developer-tools-available-on-a-local-machine/ Well, back in those days, I might have forgotten a few bits ;-). Namely to enable the in-client visual designer. Well, there is not much to it – you can simply edit the web.config-file, and add the designer-attribute in it.. . With PowerShell, you can do it with: $NAVWebConfigFile …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/07/06/create-an-offline-development-preview-enable-the-in-client-visual-designer/

Import-NAVModules: An easy way to import NAV PowerShell modules

I seem to remember that I have told you that I have created some modules in PowerShell to make my (and your) life easier in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.. ;-). Well – it seems that these modules are getting some traction. They are available on Github, and the PowerShell Gallery – and people seem to be …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/06/30/import-navmodules-an-easy-way-to-import-nav-powershell-modules/

AL with VSCode: Run Extension Objects (with PowerShell)

Some time ago, Mark blogged an interesting article about running objects from extensions. You can read it here: https://markbrummel.blog/2017/05/20/tip-58-run-extension-objects/ . It made me wonder .. how would I solve this? And one of the problems of asking myself these kind of questions is .. the answer is always the same :-/: Powershell And apperantly, I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/06/14/al-with-vscode-run-extension-objects-with-powershell/