315 results for CS

AL with VSCode: Symbol Rename

When you’re a NAV developer, you’re not really spoiled with developer tools. So these are exciting times .. and I think I can speak for many developers when claiming I’m very much looking forward to the upcoming developer tools. Basically because it brings us VSCode .. and VSCode brings us a grown up development experience. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/05/22/al-with-vscode-symbol-rename/

Enable GIT on your NAV Developer Preview

When doing sessions about VSCode – one of the main advantages people always talk about (in comparison with our classic C/AL development environment (aka C/SIDE)), is “GIT Integration”. Or “Source Control Management right out-of-the-box”. I would even say that it’s difficult to work with VSCode without actually controlling your software. Out-of-the-box GIT Support VS Code …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/05/19/enable-git-on-your-nav-developer-preview/

Convert C/AL Objects to AL with PowerShell

If you are a NAV developer, you probably have heard about the upcoming “New Developer Tools”. And if you didn’t, it’s very much time for you to catch up with the readings about this, like: the Getting Started article the Developer Reference Follow the blogs Read and contribute on GitHub And when you read this …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/05/05/convert-cal-objects-to-al-with-powershell/

PowerShots 2017 just kicked off

I’m sitting in the plane, after I just kicked off my first PowerShot for NAV2017 in Sweden. It was not “the first” PowerShot of this year, because Vjeko actually started one day before me in Norway :-). What are PowerShots? You might have read from previous years that we (Cloud Ready Software) have been “touring” …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/04/28/powershots-2017-just-kicked-off/

Stored Procedures on a NAV database?

Recently, I came across a customer, where a partner had implemented some Stored Procedures on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 database. Now, for any change on SQL level that comes to my ears, my first reaction is always “Nooooooooo“. Or as a pictures tells more than a thousand words: First thing I did was googling …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/04/11/stored-procedures-on-a-nav-database/

Directions ASIA and NAVUG Summit EMEA

It’s not conference season and yet .. I have never been this busy during this part of the year for conferences. That must mean that new stuff (conferences that is..) is coming up. Let’s spend a very short blogpost on what’s coming up for me.. Directions ASIA In fact, at this very moment, I’m on …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/03/22/directions-asia-and-navug-summit-emea/

Manage Web Services in Extensions

At this moment, I’m working on an Extension for Dynamics 365. One of the requirements is basically “publish an interface to an external packet”. In other words: “publish a bunch of web services”. Now, I’m always trying to find the “best practice” for different circumstances. That’s also why I’m so deep into PowerShell – I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/02/23/manage-web-services-in-extensions/

Make the New Developer Tools available on a local machine

On Twitter, Mark Brummel was wondering on how we would be able to get this wonderful new DEV environment locally, to be able to play with whenever we don’t have an Internet Connection. Well .. by coincidence, I had been trying to wrap my head around that a few weeks ago .. but never wrote …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2017/02/20/make-the-new-developer-tools-available-on-a-local-machine/

NAV 2017

Here you can find all CU updates:  Microsoft Dynamics 2017 – all CU’s

Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/dynamics-nav/platform-updates/nav-2017/

NAV 2016

Here you can find all CU updates:  Microsoft Dynamics 2016 – all CU’s  

Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/dynamics-nav/platform-updates/nav-2016/