315 results for CS

NAV2016 PartnerSource Marketing and Sales material

I admit .. this is somewhat late in the year to come with this information. But I was searching for marketing material on NAV2016, and came across a list of links to (mainly) PartnerSource that might be useful for you as well, so I decided to write up a quick blogpost. As such, these are …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/05/31/nav2016-partnersource-marketing-and-sales-material/

NAV 2016: All Published Events

Blogging has been low lately. I have been insanely busy with providing content for the Cloud SureStep for Product Development on the DLP, which means: less free time :(. But .. Together with a brilliant colleague, I’m also working on an internal project: A code analyzer in PowerShell. Why in PowerShell .. well .. because …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/05/30/nav-2016-all-published-events/

Setting up Project “Madeira” Preview (also when you’re not from the US)

The last few days (between the soup and potatoes (Flemish expression ;-)), I have been trying to set up a full blown environment on Project “Madeira”. Not easy, as I am not from the US, and this preview only got released in the US. And apparently, Microsoft is serious about that – like when I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/04/15/setting-up-project-madeira-preview-also-when-youre-not-from-the-us/

Project “Madeira” Public Preview

As of today, Project “Madeira” is in public preview. Question is .. What is Project “Madeira”? In short: It’s a new offering in the cloud, in fact “NAV-in-the-cloud”, strongly integrated with Office 365. But the focus of Project “Madeira” isn’t really “NAV” – it would never say “NAV-in-the-cloud” – but it’s a “Business Solution” in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/04/13/project-madeira-public-preview/

NAVUG European Congress 2016

There is a new congress in town. Or at least – in Stuttgart :-). NAVUG is coming to Europe for the very first time this year! As NAVUG is very strongly focused on the User, this is really another type of congress that we’re actually used to (in Europe). Now, NAVUG is all about education, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/04/06/navug-european-congress-2016/

Apply-NAVDelta to add and remove customizations

Yep, PowerShell again. So the people that deny PowerShell can stop reading now :-). Although I do think this is quite an interesting blogpost on how to work somewhat more easily with deltas, by the use of a function that is part of my PowerShell Module, called: Apply-NAVDelta. I was actually just thinking after my …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/03/16/apply-navdelta-to-add-and-remove-customizations/

Export NAV Application Objects

When working with NAV, you’re familiar of working with objects. And nowadays, we have quite a lot of options, like: Fob file Text file Split text files Delta’s Reverse Delta’s … (more?) Depending on the situation, you might be interested in one of these kinds of exports – if not all. Now, I have been …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/03/11/export-nav-application-objects/

Remove customizations with (Reverse) Deltas

I’m going to explain you a concept that is so simple that you’re probably going to react like: “dude .. come on .. you just totally wasted my time .. this is so obvious.. can’t believe you just don’t take this for granted”. But I’m still gonna. Just because of the fact that the concept …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/03/07/remove-customizations-with-reverse-deltas/

Discovery Event Pattern

I have been working on describing this very interesting NAV Design Pattern that uses events. We have been implementing it a few times, and I just didn’t want to hold it from you. You can find the pattern on “The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Design Patterns Wiki“. The actual design pattern can be found here, but …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/03/02/discovery-event-pattern/

NAV 2016: Hooks or Events?

You don’t get the chance to blog on the 29th of February too much. In fact, you only get one chance in 1461 days .. . So let’s take this opportunity, to bother you with something that I have been thinking about from the moment Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 was release: What do we do …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/02/29/nav-2016-hooks-or-events/