315 results for CS

NAV 2016 Extension Development Shell on the Azure Demo VM

Now, that’s a long title, isn’t it? 🙂 I was in a conversation with Freddy Kristiansen .. the so called “father” of the “Azure Demo VM Image for NAV 2016” (or how do you kids call it these days). If you haven’t heard about that, I strongly advise you to check out for example MVP …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/02/25/nav-2016-extension-development-shell-on-the-azure-demo-vm/

Cloud SureStep for Product Development: The PowerShots

That’s right, there are new PowerShots in town! You might have read about the previous PowerShot series on my blog, where we focused on “The Transition of your Product to the Cloud”. “We”, being the “Cloud Ready Software” dudes: Gary, Vjeko and me. You might wonder – why would I go this year if I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/01/13/cloud-surestep-for-product-development-the-powershots/

NAV Extensions – Generic Code To Migrate Data When Upgrading Extensions

UPDATE: Updated info can be found in this post. This is not a post on how Extensions work – I guess there is a lot of material out there that already handles Extensions. And if you don’t find any .. just check YouTube for a few video’s, like: How Do I: Create an Extension Package …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/01/08/nav-extensions-generic-code-to-migrate-data-when-upgrading-extension/

A Merry Christmas and a “Cloudy” New Year!

I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for next year! May the force be with you in your way to the cloud. 🙂 And waldo wouldn’t be waldo if he didn’t celebrate it with PowerShell .. here is a script I found on PowerShell.com 🙂 .. Just paste in a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2015/12/24/a-merry-christmas-and-a-cloudy-new-year/

Print any document (any extension)

When reading Mark’s blog about printing PDF, it reminded me about a request I got not so long ago, which was quite similar: “I want to be able to easily print any document that is linked in my system, from NAV, … “. But you know the challenge: if you want to print a PDF, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2015/12/21/print-any-document-any-extension/

NAVTechDays 2015: Final thougths

Time for the traditional wrap-up of NAVTechDays. This has become a tradition, so let’s not break this tradition and let’s share some thoughts about the conference of what I have been calling “the best NAV conference there is” ;-). Well .. is it still? 😉 As every year, NAVTechDays was held in one of the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2015/12/02/navtechdays-2015-final-thougths/

PowerShell workshop ahead

It’s not of my habits to do advertisement on my blog. Even more: I hate advertisement on any blog – so especially mine. But I don’t get any money doing this – so no benefit here – but there is value… There is namely one reason why I did want to mention this upcoming PowerShell …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2015/11/24/powershell-workshop-ahead/

NAV 2016 Eventing: All published Integration and Business events

It’s been a while since I’ve put up a decent blogpost. Well .. I’ve been busy at conferences, to be honest doing lots of Sessions. And I’m always nervous for these – I take it seriously, you know – people pay a lot of money to come to conferences like that, and the sessions need …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2015/11/02/nav-2016-eventing-all-published-integration-and-business-events/

Fix NAV2015 Administration Shell after NAV 2016 installation

You should read Arend-Jan’s blogpost first. He explains that after you install NAV2016 on a machine that already had NAV2015 on it, that it breaks the NAV2015 Administration console. Arend-Jan also provide a fix for this! A really easy one even. But he was also talking about “if you’re not a PowerShell guru” .. And …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2015/10/14/fix-nav2015-administration-shell-after-nav-2016-installation/

Directions EMEA 2015: Workflow for Developers

Here a short story of the session that I attended about “Workflow for Developers” by Stuart Glasson. During the ACE program, I haven’t been working with Workflow that much. I have been involved with Eventing and Extensions quite a lot, but no Workflow. Now, I know that the new Workflow functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2015/10/05/directions-emea-2015-workflow-for-developers/