315 results for CS

New NAV 2013 Localizations: Iceland, Switzerland and Norway

After the announcement of the Dynamics NAV 2013 release in Austria .. and as expected .. now also Iceland, Switzerland and Norway has their localization of NAV2013! Way to go! You can download it here These localizations are available at the moment: AU-Australia AT-Austria BE-Belgium CA-Canada DK-Denmark FI-Finland FR-France DE-Germany IS – Iceland IN-India IT-Italy …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/05/02/new-nav-2013-localizations-iceland-switzerland-and-norway/

Pre-Configuration in NAV2013 (Profile Metadata)

Configuration, Personalisation, .. . Terms that were introduced in NAV2009, and that we all know by now, don’t we? It gives us a great flexibility of the behaviour of the clients: Flexibility to the user: they can add, remove, change, .. The pages according to their role .. . Flexibility to the administrator: they can …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/04/01/pre-configuration-in-nav2013-profile-metadata/

Interesting Links

Together with the platform updates, I have been sending a list of interesting links in PartnerSource and other sites. By splitting up the platform updates .. I decided to maintain this list separately as well. Below you can find a list of links which I use to “navigate” to Interesting and sometimes less-interesting-but-yet-quite-important-for-the-business sites on …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/dynamics-nav/interesting-links-on-dynamics-nav/

Platform updates overview – NAV2009

As mentioned earlier, I have split up the Platform Updates list into the different versions of NAV. Here is the NAV2009 version.

When going through the KB articles, I also found this one quite interesting: A costing hotfix rollup is available for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. It doesn’t really qualify as a “Platform Update”, but still, I think it’s very interesting to give it enough attention.. .

Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/03/20/platform-updates-overview-nav2009/

Platform updates overview – 3.70 – 5.0SP1

To complete my split-up list of Platform Updates, here is the rest .. . Obviously, nothing has been changed on this, as it involves unsupported versions of NAV. But still, it’s interesting to know what has been solved in the past.. .

Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/03/20/platform-updates-overview-3-70-5-0sp1/

Platform updates overview – NAV2013

Hey there .. Finally an updated list. A very new list this time, because I decided to split it into different parts – it was just becoming too big for one blogpost (it was even influencing the performance of my Wordpress-site ;-)). The title should give you an impression.. : As there are so many new platform updates coming out .. I decided to create a blogpost per major NAV version. Hope you (still?) like it.. 😉

Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/03/18/platform-updates-overview-nav2013/

NAV 2013: Implementing the Application Test Toolset

As you probably know, since NAV 2009, there is some kind of framework built in the C/SIDE environment that can deal with application testing.  Usually referred to as “Testing Framework” or “Test codeunits” or “Test Toolset” or “probably-some-kind-of-other-description-I-don’t-think-of-at-this-moment-but-deals-with-testing-the-functionality-of-your-(customized)-NAV-solution”. As we (iFacto) are rebuilding our internal solution for NAV2013, I have to include the Test Toolset …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/03/07/nav-2013-implementing-the-application-test-toolset/

Archives from my old blog

February 2013 (1) January 2013 (4) December 2012 (3) November 2012 (2) October 2012 (4) September 2012 (5) August 2012 (3) July 2012 (2) June 2012 (3) May 2012 (6) April 2012 (3) March 2012 (5) February 2012 (5) January 2012 (6) December 2011 (5) November 2011 (4) October 2011 (5) September 2011 (4) August …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/dynamics-nav/archives-from-my-old-blog/

New webhosting for waldo’s blog – moving day!

Some of you already noticed: if you go to www.waldo.be, you get a new look&feel for “waldo’s blog”. Why? Well, not that I didn’t like my old blogging location. Really! I have been blogging at DUG from the start! From April 1st, almost 6 years ago (djeez .. I’m getting old). Not a single month …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/02/06/new-webhosting-for-waldos-blog/


Hey there, You have found waldo! :-). Not me No, not the one on the left ;-).  Although, many people think i’ve got my name from him.  That’s actually far from the truth.. . Me To make a long story short .. My name is “Eric Wauters” .. which means that I have the same …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/about/